We hope you can join our annual Cluster Auction & Party on March 22, 2024!
See below for more information or click here.
Volunteers, Donations, Party Hosts, and Sponsors Needed
Help plan the event!
Whether you have a few hours to spare or a whole lot more than that - there is a role for you.
Donate to the auction!
Tickets, vacation homes, gift certificates, professional services, unique experiences, signature dishes and more.
Support Cluster family-owned, Black-owned and locally-owned businesses!
Know a business that we should highlight through our Auction? We want to give back to our community by encouraging those who are able to purchase gift cards from local businesses and donate them to the Auction. Help us build our list of Cluster family-owned, Black-owned and locally-owned businesses!
Host a party!
Every year Cluster parents get together to host themed parties for adults and/or kids as another way to raise funds. Tickets to these parties will be available for purchase the night of the Auction.
Become a sponsor!
Make a monetary donation and we'll feature you/your business in our marketing and at our event.
Get Involved!
Email our Auction Chair, Stephanie Campbell, at steph.camp79@gmail.com and/or our Fundraising Team at fundraising@chcspta.org.